Tropical Cyclone Eloise has damaged several houses in in Block B in the Nkomazi Local Municipality which is near the Mozambican border.
READ: Roofs blown off by thunderstorms in Nkomazi
It is not yet known how vast is the damage so far, however, the municipality is updating developments to their residents on their Facebook page. Eloise was expected to be a fully formed Tropical Cyclone and make landfall near Beira in Mozambique. It was then expected to become an overland depression and result in significant rain over eastern parts of the country.
Nkomazi Muncipality have posted on their Facebook page keeping its residents updated.

This is not the first time Nkomazi has suffered a natural disaster. On December 1, a severe thunderstorm blew off roofs in Mgobodzi and part of Magogeni. The following day, it continued and swept through Jeppes Reef damaging 12 houses, three houses in Schoemansdal and one in Buffelspruit was also identified.