BARBERTON – Siblings aged 31 and 33 drowned in a pool while swimming on November 28.
On the day, 15 family members residing at Tjakastad Trust in Elukwatini visited Msundvuka Park to host a party. The siblings, Elvis and June Khumalo were seen by a family member swimming that evening but mysteriously vanished. The entire family began a searching party for them until late at night without any success.
READ: 20-year-old man drowns in Silobela Dam
“On Sunday, the search continued but before midday, an employee at the park noticed something suspicious in the pool and that is when lifeless bodies of the siblings were discovered. Police, as well as paramedics, were notified about the incident and upon arrival, the victims were certified dead,” said Department of Community Safety, Security and Liaison spokesperson, Mmoeti Mmusi.
Police are appealing to the public to avoid the dangers of swimming in pools and dams especially without adequate training, proper monitoring as well as whenever they have consumed alcohol. Parents are also urged to look after their children especially now that schools will be closed for holidays.