MIDDELBURG – A new mayor will be sworn in at the Steve Tshwete Local Municipality today.
The mayor replaces Bagudi Jonathan Tolo who succumbed to Covid-19 related complications on February 2. The Council will convene and elect, a process in line with the Municipal Structures Act of 1998.
The proceedings will commence at 11:00 and the new Executive Mayor will be announced immediately after the voting process is finalised.
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The election procedure:
• SINGLE CANDIDATE – If only one candidate is nominated, the person presiding must declare that candidate elected.
(a) a vote must be taken at the meeting by secret ballot:
(b) each councilor present at the meeting may cast one vote; and
(c) the person presiding must declare the elected candidate who receives a majority of the votes.
Due to Covid-19 alert level 1 restrictions, which only permits gatherings of 100 people inside a venue, therefore, during this Sitting, all Covid-19 protocols must be adhered to.
Wearing of masks. Sanitize. Observing social distancing. Washing of hands.