Suspects linked to pensioners’ murder arrested

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Four suspects were arrested on Tuesday after two bodies of pensioners were discovered in a commune.

It is alleged the suspects have robbed and murdered the pensioners aged 64 and 83. According to a statement, police were allied to the scene in Voortrekker Street after concerned neighboUrs did not see the couple for some time.

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Upon police arrival, the door and the burglar gate were not locked. The bodies of the couple were found, and the Emergency Medical Services personnel certified the two dead at the scene.

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“Police traced the couple’s belongings taken by the suspects, including their vehicle, a Toyota Corolla and a firearm. After information about the suspects came forth, a manhunt was launched and resulted in their arrest,” reads the statement.

Two murder and robbery cases were opened. The suspects will appear in court soon.

Jabulane Khumalo
Jabulane Khumalo
Articles: 652

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