Mthayiza school embarks on organic farming

Thomas Jefferson once said:
“Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness.”
This statement has been transformed into reality as experienced at Mthayiza Primary School after teachers harvested vegetables of their own toil to supplement the National School Nutrition Programme.
Teachers at Mthayiza primary school established a vegetable garden after realizing that most learners struggle to consume balanced meals.
The teachers also saw this as an opportunity to add impetus in the endeavor to raise funds for their school through the sale of their vegetable produce.
To provide support and ensure success for the venture, the Mpumalanga Department of Education assisted with the appointment of a gardener who is contracted for a year to assist in this regard.
There are 52 schools ( 13 in each district) which are assisted with vegetable gardeners following a collaboration EPWP Social Sector Grant.
MEC Bonakele Majuba appreciated the good work done by the teachers at this school.
“We are really impressed by the dedication and willingness of our teachers who go an extra mile to lend a helping hand towards the welfare and well being of our learners and schools. This is a kind act that requires to be emulated by all schools.” said Majuba.

Jabulane Khumalo
Jabulane Khumalo
Articles: 654

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